In celebration of the festive season, over the next few weeks in collaboration with Sizl Spices, we will be running a free prize draw for one lucky winner to be the recipient of a Sizl Spices Winter Spice Kit!

Win, Win, Win!
SIZL spices are a smart and practical range of heady, high-quality spices, brought to you from passionate people who are also passionate cooks.
The four passionate spice gurus includes Spice Queen, Mallika Basu, who demonstrated in the live Cookery Theatre at this year’s Ginger and Spice Festival 2019.
To find out more about the spices ranges and spice kits, please click here.
We asked: ‘Which four Spices are included in the Sizl Winter Spice Kit?’
This competition is now closed as at 31/1/2020
Terms and conditions apply, see here.

The next Ginger and Spice Festival will take place during September 2020.
For all information about the Ginger and Spice Festival including the events, please sign up to our ebulletin below, or visit our website: