Road Closure – Cheshire Street – 5.30am to 6pm on Saturday 28th September

To ensure the safety of the public, volunteers and market traders who are attending the Ginger & Spice Festival, Cheshire Street will be closed for the street market to accommodate required additional spacing between market stalls. However, pedestrian access will be maintained at all times.

  • We suggest minimising vehicle movements within the advertised working hours where possible
  • A window for deliveries for businesses will be available from 6am-7.30am on Saturday 30th September – please note during this time market traders will be setting up their stalls in the Cheshire Street so please ensure speed limits are adhered to
  • The residents of Mercian Court  have been granted access using the entrance opposite the Hippodrome for both outward and return vehicle movements. This will be managed by the Market Drayton Rotary Group on the day.

We thank you in advance for your patience and cooperation during this event. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via Thank you.

Please see the link to the road closure below.