Modern Slavery Statement and Human Trafficking

Statement for the Financial Year 2020


 This statement is made on behalf of the Ginger and Spice Festival and the Spice Larder Shop pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and compromises our slavery and human trafficking statement.

The Ginger and Spice Festival and the Spice Larder

We have implemented a number of policies that are relevant to the identification of modern slavery risks and highlight the steps taken to prevent any slavery or trafficking in our operations. These include but are not limited to our:-

  • Health and Safety Policy
  • Volunteer Recruitment and Resourcing Policy
  • Safeguarding Policy
  • Handbook for Volunteers
  • Training Policy for volunteers
  • Company Aims and Values Statement

Due diligence

We have systems in place to identify and mitigate the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking. These include:-

Spice Larder

  • Vendor application form
  • Vendor terms and conditions
  • Vendor agreement

Ginger and Spice Festival

  • Equal Opportunities Check
  • Volunteer Application and reference
  • Signed Volunteer Agreement
  • Street Market Application Form
  • Fringe Event Application process
  • Volunteer Training

Our Supply chain

We are committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery in our supply chains or in any part of our business.

Our supply chain is made up of business relationships with products and services that we use in our business; partners, suppliers, and contractors.

We continue to work with suppliers who are financially stable and ethically responsible.

We will assess the suitability of businesses within our supply chain, ensuring checks are conducted before approving companies onto our approved vendor or supplier list. This includes checking vendor and suppliers modern slavery statements and their compliance to the Act.

We conduct due diligence on all vendors, suppliers and contractors by continually monitoring our supply chain.

We ensure that we only work with businesses who treat their obligations towards modern slavery with the same importance as we do. Where suppliers and contractors do not meet the standards required, we would ask them to demonstrate the action they are taking to improve and then subsequently terminate the business relationship if the required improvement is not forthcoming.

Where a supplier or contractor is found to have had any involvement in modern slavery, we immediately end the business relationship and take further action if necessary.

Measures and processes that we have in place, provide us with the reassurance that our suppliers and contractors have the same level of commitment to ending slavery and human trafficking as we do.

Julia Roberts


Dated: 1st May 2020